Friday, August 10, 2012

Pillaging Razorfen Kraul

I decided that today I would take a break from Stranglethorn Vale and do some more dungeon crawling. It had been a while since I had last attempted this, and some of my gear was starting to get outdated.

While queuing up for some dungeons with Udderwin, I saw that Jessicaloveu was logged on, and to our surprise she had in fact surpassed us in level. She has come a long way since our first encounter when she did not even know how to tame pets as a hunter class character. I took a moment to congratulate her while I waited for the queue.

Chatting with Jessie
Our first dungeon we landed on was the armory section of the Scarlet Monastery. This was a relatively short dungeon that didn't take us long to blast our way through.

The Scarlet Armory
We reached Herod the Scarlet Champion and defeated him on our first attempt. The run was a success and completed without a single death among our party.

Moving forward, Udderwin and I queued up again and landed in Razorfen Kraul, a stronghold of the quilboars. These little critters can best be described as humanoid pigs, and they have a reputation of being a thorn in the Horde's side during their expansion throughout the continent of Kalimdor.

Razorfen Kraul
Razorfen Kraul is a long dungeon. We had to fight through several bosses over the course of roughly an hour to finish it, including Death Speaker Jargba, Overlord Ramtusk, Agathelos the giant boar, and finally Charlga Razorflank. Luckily we had another competent group, so there were no complete wipes throughout the entirety of the expedition, but we did have one death along the way.

Death Speaker Jargba
Because this was a longer dungeon, it started to drag on and get slightly tedious, so Udderwin and I decided to add some conversation into the mix along the way, mostly cracking jokes back and forth at each other. Hoping that we could get the other party members to join in, instead they largely remained silent except for Poctraz the healer, who only wanted to remark that we should stop messing around and focus on finishing the dungeon. Just goes to show as I had noted in previous blog entries; it seems WoW players assembled for dungeons are generally dead set on completing the dungeon and aren't interested in social interaction during these segments of the game.

Overlord Ramtusk
Of course, that didn't stop Udderwin and I from taking more jabs at each other. By this point we were having too much fun with it anyway. Eventually I finally managed to get Poctraz to join in a little bit as well.

Charlga Razorflank
Finally with Razorflank fallen, Razorfen Kraul had been conquered and we returned to Stranglethorn Vale victorious. I had some new gear, but not as much as I would have liked. Nonetheless, it was a good round of dungeons. Interestingly enough, as of logout time Jessicaloveu was still ahead of us in level, but I intend to change that once again in due time. ;)

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